
Full Mechanical Project



The pictures show an overall representation of how the whole machine will look like. Each separate container with be composed by an Archimedes screw, a supporting piece for it and a bearing flange to connect it to the front’s acrylic part. Each container will also have a tube to take the grains from the container to the funnel.

Coffee Containers

In this section is possible to see some pictures of the manufacturing of the coffee containers. They were produced using laser cut MDF parts 3mm thick.


In the image above, there is a representation of the open structure, it is clearer how the piece looks from the inside. Also, a representation of it closed, for better understanding how it looks from the outside.

The next pictures are the flange that holds the Archimedes screw in place, as well as the screw that connects the screw to the bearing flange.



In the images below it’s the first version of one coffee container. The NEMA 17 motor will go in the back of the container, with the goal of turning the screw until the requested weight is served.



In the video in the left, the first version is being tested with a placeholder for the Archimedes screw, and a NEMA 17 controlled by Arduino. In the video in the right, the first version is being tested for its capacity, as the requirements defined the coffee container’s capacity of 1 kg.
